
Ezee Peasy Puppy Diary

Monday 2nd January

Bedtime 9pm
Wake 8am
Number of times woken in the night 1 - 430am for a wee and a poop
Accidents indoors 1
Total accidents in doors 4
Our most difficult night to date, and it wasn’t even that difficult really as she had an upset tummy. Ezee had me up at 1130pm and 430am, each time she did want a toilet break and each time she returned straight to bed with no fuss so I was out of bed no more than five minutes each time. Ezee then woke at 8am so we made up our lost sleep.
Another trip into town today, I carried her through town and to a coffee shop…see the pattern here! She was so good. I got into the coffee shop and sat down, she was keen to get out of her carrier so I obliged as I don’t want her getting too warm in there. While I held her I gave her little treats while she took everything in as she was keen to just jump out of my arms and go and see everyone and everything, but she needs to learn that she cannot just jump head first into everything. As soon as she’d settled down it was really because she was tired so I was able to lay her blanket on the cushion next to me and she passed out asleep. One coffee shop patron actually thought she was an adult dog as she was so well behaved…I corrected them and advised that in fact she was just a shattered puppy. A quick coffee as of course I cannot pop her on the floor for a toilet break so I need to get her home. She was still passed out when I popped her into her carrier, she woke up when we hit the high street though and started taking it all in. Another very successful trip out and she was much more settled in the back of the van on this journey as well, on the way out she was very vocal, but again I think the trip tired her out so she was nice and settled on the ten minute journey home.
Straight in the garden for the usual protocols and into her pen for a nap so that I could get on with some much needed admin work. She slept for a good few hours and I was able to get some fuss free work done. However, those that know my admin skills will know that puppy or no puppy interrupting me…the admin will be a bit slap dash!

I swear this little girl has been one of my easiest puppies to begin housetraining. Currently my indoor accident count in four days is four! That is just puddles as well and only because she can move quicker than I can get off the floor to get her outdoors! Every single accident is my fault…basically because I cannot move as quickly as her, but she is learning what “garden” means so she’s now getting to a stage where I don’t even need to pick her up to take her out.

Date: 03/01/2023