Tuesday 3rd January
Bedtime 9pm
Wake 8am
Number of times woken in the night 1 - 430am for a wee and a poop
Accidents indoors 1
Total accidents in doors 4
I cannot believe how long she slept! I was actually a bit worried but every time I checked on her she was fast asleep. I did hear her playing with one of her toys in the night/early morning having a good chew, but she was just entertaining herself and no making a sound!
I actually woke her up at 8am in the end to get her out for a toilet and feed her breakfast.
I fed her and kept her entertained for a couple of hours and put her down for a nap at 10am as I needed to go out and do some chores. One of them being visiting the garden centre. Normally this is one of my haunts to take a new puppy but I needed to buy some paving slabs so it wasn't really a good idea to take her while handling heavy goods.
The reason I wanted some paving slabs is there is a small area in the doggy garden (Which isn't as amazing as it sounds, its basically their toilet area but the doggy garden sounds nicer as it's fenced off from the rest of the garden) that has some mud and small rocks and stones which is is of course OBSESSED with.
All puppies pick up things with their mouths to explore their new surroundings. You need to think of their mouths as their hands. They don't have hands to explore their world with, they only have their mouths, which is why most things end up in them. Of course it is a phase that they do grow out of but I thought that I'd actually take the time to put some paving slabs over this area as I meant to do it with Beanz when he was a puppy, and when Alan was a puppy, so it's been on my "To Do List" for five years!
I was in luck as well as the slabs were 50% off so it was a worth while trip to the garden centre and now this tricky little area that has been a favourite place for my puppies for five years is now gone - job done!
Ezee only woke up when I came home and I was actually out for over two hours in the end as I had another appointment on the way to the garden centre so that was another win for her settling while I'm out of the house.
I'm now soaked to the bone from messing around in the garden and I have very sore hands from moving all the paving slabs from the garden centre, to my van, from my van to the garden then into place in the garden. I did have gloves on but apparently they weren't good enough...but what makes my hard work well worth it is that I know there are going to be fewer stones/rocks for Ezee to play with and less worry for me.
While I write this little brain dump she is
happily playing at my feet with a toy! I literally couldn't ask for more as she's taking on everything so incredibly well.
She is a testament to keeping things clear and simple for puppies to understand.
It gives me half a chance of getting my admin right the first time around ;)
What has Ezee started to learn so far?
Reflex to name
Sit to please
Of course we still have a long way to go, but she's already picking up these skills fantastically.
Tomorrow she is off to the vets for another round of injections, health check etc