After the vets she came home for a nap before going out in her pram to the country park. I feel like a prize prat pushing a puppy around in a pram, but the benefits far outweigh any embarrassment I feel! Ezee is getting to experience so many things that she's getting a head start on her "socialisation" (those that know me well know that these term makes me shiver a bit - if you don't know why you can have a further read here).
After her trip out it was time for another nap, sometimes it is easy to forget how much rest a puppy needs, they need to have a good amount of rest. Even if they're not sleeping but they're resting in their crate or pen with some toys they do need to learn to settle while we go about our daily bits and bobs. While I type this she is lying in her pen chewing on a rubber toy quietly and calmly and I want to encourage this behaviour as much as possible. All my other woofs are also asleep nearby on various chairs, beds and favourite floor areas...I actually usually end up sitting on the floor...and that is my choice and I'm happy with this. If I ever want to move my super cosy pups I just ask them and they do move.
My final thought for the day is about preparing to go back to work after bringing a new puppy home. I was lucky enough that Ezee came along halfway through my winter break so I'm due back to work in about five days now, so I'm starting to prepare her now for my slightly different movements and disappearances.
This is our current routine for the day to prepare her for my longer absences from next week - note there are not specific "times" to this, it is more about the ROUTINE of what happens next but I've given rough times so you can see what our routine is like.
Wake up and into the garden if it's after 6am we get up, before 6am it's back to bed.
Garden breaks
Free time indoors with me and the other dogs, playing, exploring etc
Approximately 0830 - 1030
Settle/nap time in her pen - she's been fed, played with and given a bathroom break so she's in good need of a rest by this point.
I then leave for an amount of time - either for a quick pop to the shops or to walk one of the woofers around the block - again she needs to get used to me leaving with the other dogs.
When I've returned I ignore her until she has settled back down, I do not want to encourage excitable arrival behaviours.
Around 1100
Garden break
Garden break
Garden break
Settle/nap time in her pen
I then leave for an amount of time - again to replicate me going off to work
I try to aim for a couple of hours in her pen either settled or napping - she has water, toys and a bed in her pen so should she not want to sleep there are things to keep her entertained until she does need a nap. When she wakes up it's time to go in the garden, have a feed and a short play for about an hour until it's time for more time in the pen at about 1600.
Out of the pen as this is the approximate time I'd be home from work, into the garden and play time. Last feed of the day at 1745 as I like to give things time to move on to help her get through the night time. Of course if she starts to look for food later in the evening the she does have another mini meal or a filled kong as licking is a calming activity and helps prepare her for beditime.
Out in the garden for an extended period of time (weather allowing) to ensure any final bits of energy, toilet requirements have been done.
2100 (this is a time I do stick to)
Bedtime. She sleeps in her crate in my bedroom, she has toys and a chewie in there should she wake in the night and not need the bathroom but also not want to sleep. I do hear her chewing on these in the night which is really lovely to hear as it shows that she is happy in her own company which is just wonderful to know and I then know that she is only waking me up when she does need to go to the toilet.
This routine may change here and there with other bits and bobs that we do during the day but this is a rough idea of what we try to stick to and I must say that I've used this sort of routine with my last three puppies and they've all been AMAZING and have ALWAYS slept through the night with no more than one bathroom break.
Figuring out a routine that works for both you and your puppy is vital for both of your comfort...and sanity in some cases so find out what works for you both.
I'll keep you updated on how Ezee copes when I'm back at work and out of her day more than what I would have been for the first ten days of having her home. I'm hoping with the other dogs just snoozing around her she will soon get the idea that it really is a DOGS LIFE