
Ezee Peasy Puppy Diary

Saturday 7th January

Bedtime 10pm
Wake 7am
Number of times woken in the night 1 - 1150pm for a wee and a poop
Accidents indoors too many to count today
Total accidents in doors we're now into double digits!
Firstly, I'm counting last night as Ezee's first full nights sleep! Just because I like to go to bed early that is something we both need to get used to a little more, so the fact I actually even had to wake her up at 7am was a huge bonus as well as I was awake at 6am but as I was working today I wanted her up, fed, played with etc. in plenty of time before I left...so I'm counting last night as our next milestone.
The reason we had a later night last night is because I did my live puppy Q&A session online. If you missed it then you can watch it again HERE. It was a lot of fun to chat to you about puppy issues, it was not so much fun for me having to excuse myself as Ezee did what all puppies do...and have a poo on a live stream! Plus a couple of wees and a sudden exploration up the stairs! In between all the puppy crazy Ezee entertained herself in the background and then passed out asleep showing that yes she has her usual puppy moments, but also that she is a very good girl!
Ezee also had a trip out to meet some friends yesterday so her exposure to new things is going well, all lots of positive experiences to fill her canine curiosity.
Ezee has pretty much got her "sit" - obviously at a basic level, she cannot do a two minute out of sight sit at the moment! One day! She's also getting the hang of down, her house training, despite yesterdays "Ooops!" moments is going really well. She has a specific noise she makes for a toilet break and she will RUN to the back door. If she wants a wee outside she pretty much does this instantaneously, while a poop requires running backwards and forwards a couple of times to find the perfect poop spot!
This morning her new novel item to play with has been a cardboard box and an old tuggy toy that my other dogs have long since discarded. Both have been a success, the tuggy toy more than the box. Mainly because as she grabs one end of the tuggy toy and runs with it and of course the other end of the tuggy toy chases her! So she drops the end she has and grabs the other end...runs off with that and of course...the original end chases her again! She played like this for AGES, I wish I'd had my phone on me, I was giggling so much but I didn't want to disturb her game so I just sat down and watched her game fill my soul with joy.
Her other favourite garden toy is a found leaf and a blade of grass! Her natural excitement at finding all these "new" things to play with and explore is just the most innocent thing you'll see. I hope that her fun loving nature continues to grow, and although a leaf and a blade of grass will eventually just be a normal thing and not so exciting I will certainly cherish these memories of her.
All of my other dogs are pretty good with Ezee now. Ezee knows that Alan will play with her - this is very much restricted as Alan is...well he is Alan...so he's a bouncy trouncy fun fun fluffy lump of a mutt - and I don't want him causing an injury as he very easily could. The other dogs do not want to play with her, they're older now and rarely play, I have the hope that one day they may have a little play with her, but their perfect day is a walk and then snoring the rest of the day away...the noises coming from the chair next to me right now confirm this!.
In my live video yesterday I mentioned that we are human and sometimes we forget to watch our puppies and something will happen and basically it is our fault for forgetting to organise our puppy before we go off and do something.
I did exactly this this morning! I had some last minute bits of work to do and of course that meant attempting to get my printer to work! It had given up on me yesterday but in a quick thought of "I must get this done" I went upstairs to fight with technology...completely forgetting that I had a nine week old puppy and Alan in the living room.
It wasn't until I came downstairs fifteen minutes later that I remembered they were both in there...and Ezee was NOT in her pen! What do you think had happened? NOTHING! I swear to DOG! Nothing, no pee, no poop, no destruction. Ezee was a sleep on a pillow at the base of a chair that Alan was asleep on! This is proof that our dogs to learn by mimicry! If Alan had been bouncing around...he's not a morning dog so that isn't usually an issue, then Ezee would've been bouncing around with him, but no, she just snuggled up below him and that was it! Madness! I got lucky this time, if I do it again! Well it is unlikely to be such a cute sight after the fact again...well not for a little while anyway!
Ezee is still on four meals a day and will continue this way for a little time yet. It suits her well and if she does show any signs of hunger then I do give her a little something to chew or lick as I don't want any of my dogs to feel hungry - if they truly need it! Beanz would just keep eating until he was sick I'm sure of it, but I'm never going to test that theory!
I've got some time off tomorrow so I'm going to see what I can take Ezee out to see, I might try and find a train or two...I'm sure there will be a coffee stop along the way as well.
Don't forget if you do need any help with your puppy then we have lots of things to help you with at Mojo Dogs from group sessions to 121 appointments.

Stay waggy Jo x

Date: 07/01/2023