Well there are of course lots of things but the term “socialisation” is pretty near the top of my list that sends shivers down my spine.
When I see a post on social media groups from a puppy owner asking to meet other puppies for a run around and “socialisation”.
No! No! No!
Yes, our puppies and dogs need to socialise but it should
NEVER be a free for all!
Plus the term “socialisation” is never used correctly in these situations. Us humans socialise at the pub or over a meal with out friends, but it doesn’t mean that our puppies and dogs should have free access to every single puppy and dog they come across...otherwise they just learn that they can run up to every dog no matter what with no manners at all. You’ll soon end up being known as the dog walker to avoid any have many comments on social media about why can people not control their dogs!
Then...when we start to become embarrassed with our dogs behaviour and we start to keep our dogs on the lead so they cannot greet dogs their
FRUSTRATION kicks in and if that is not managed properly it can turn to
Yes arrange some “controlled” time with other dogs, but not just a puppy free for all. Puppies will meet all sorts of dogs of all sizes and ages.
Socialisation is NOT specific to meeting dogs. Socialisation really is a bad word to use for what our puppies and dogs need ad we just take this word into context of hoe we as humans use it.
Then think about the puppy that I’d actually too timid as it is about their new surroundings, you don’t just want to throw them in the middle if a situation that will affect them for the rest of their lives...do you know how fear periods work? How they can then affect your puppy for LIFE! Socialisation (I hare using it even in these musings but it’s what is so well known) needs to be done carefully and with a lot of thought.
We should stop using the word socialisation and use words and terms like emotional intelligence, exposure, experience, life skills...socialisation much more than meeting other puppies and other dogs, I hate seeing the word used for ONLY .
You need to think about all the things your puppy will experience during their lifetime and give them a positive experience of these things so that when they do occur in daily life your puppy is confident and happy in all their surroundings and experiences within them.
So, to sum up...socialisation is not the best term to use as not everyone looks any further than their puppy meeting other puppies and dogs...you need to think about all round EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE, with exposure and experiences to ALL things in life. Sights, sounds, smells, touch...everything. Don’t seek out puppy friends to run around and learn bad habits off. If you meet other puppies keep it controlled and structured so you don’t end up with a bigger problem further down the road.